| MoviE ReVieW | |
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Pilem yg ude di tonton bulan ApriL 07? | Norbit | | 0% | [ 0 ] | The reaping | | 20% | [ 2 ] | Mr Bean Holiday | | 40% | [ 4 ] | Nagabonar 2 | | 0% | [ 0 ] | Hanibal Rising | | 30% | [ 3 ] | Employee Of The Month | | 10% | [ 1 ] | Shooter | | 0% | [ 0 ] | SunShine | | 0% | [ 0 ] | WildHogs | | 0% | [ 0 ] | Angker Batu | | 0% | [ 0 ] |
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nueno_meisuke Newbie
Jumlah posting : 10 Age : 35 Status in Family : good boy.. :p PaNgGiLaN SaYaNk : it's a secret.. :p FaVoRiT WoRd : better than yesterday Registration date : 29.04.07
| Subyek: Spiderman 3 Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:11 am | |
| Spoiler Alert!!! >>> WARNING: Here Be Spoilers <<< Information below here contain spoiler that may give away important plot points. You may not want to read any further if you've not already seen this title. spoiler yang gw dapet belum tentu sesuai dengan pelemnya nanti, jadi jangan terlalu percaya, karena faktor2 sebagai berikut : 1. banyak terjadi kebocoran 2. pergantian CEO marvel dari avi arad ke kevin feige 3. bakalan ada spider-man 4 4. tambahan syuting spider-an 3 5. adanya isu kalo spidey 3 and 4 are shoot back to back spoiler start here : - Spoiler:
1.Bagian pertama dari script mengambarkan Peter dan MJ sedang lagi mesra2nya. Adegan pertama adalah Peter mengahadiri pertunjukan drama MJ. Pas orang lagi rame2nya tepuk tangan, kamera mengarah kepada Harry yang melihat kepada Peter (seperti yang ada dalam teaser SM3).
2.Selanjutnya, Peter dan MJ pulang (MJ naik taksi yang di kemudikan oleh Chris Tucker) Peter menuju ke apartemennya, merogoh sesuatu yang ada dalam kantongnya dan ternyata adalah
cincin tunangan. Pada saat Peter mo masuk ke apartemennya,dia diserang oleh Goblin (nggak tau GG2 atau Hobgoblin, pokoke goblin, Hal in udah dikonfirmasi oleh om Raimi dalam acara comic-con). Setelah pertarungan yang bertubi-tubi, peter tidak hanya harus menyelematkan dirinya tetapi juga cincin tunangannya (lihat kan adegan peter aqla frodo di teaser pertamanya). Akhirnya pertarungan mengarah ke gang dimana Peter membuat jaring dan GOBLIN terbang melewatinya dan jatuh pingsan. Peter melepaskan topeng yang dipake GOBLIN dan mengetahui siapa dibalik topeng tersebut (harry osborn). Sedangkan Harry tidak mengingat apa2.
3.Selanjutnya kita diperkenalkan dengan Eddy Brock, saingan Peter di Daily Bugle. Banyak ketegangan yang terjadi diantara mereka berdua. JJ menginformasikan kalo mereka berdua akan dipromosikan, dan bagi siapa yang paling banyak mendapatkan poto Spidy tertangkap basah berbuat kriminal dialah yang diangkat duluan. JJ menugaskan mereka berdua untuk mengambil gambar Spidy pada acara Spiderman Appreciation Day..
4.Selanjutnya, kita diperkenalkan dengan Sandman, yang telah memilki kekuatan berubah bentuk dari pasir (disini tidak dijelaskan). Dia merampok bank dan dikejar oleh Spidy. Dalam adegan pengejaran ini Gwen Stacy hampir terbunuh, untung ada Spidy (kemunculan Gwen Stacy tidak dijelaskan dalam script ini). Hanya sedikit waktu Spidy dan Gwen berinteraksi. Sementara itu Sandman udah keburu kabur. Kita diajak untuk mengikuti Sandman ke rumahnya dimana ia tinggal dengan istrinya. Dalam percakapan nantinya Kita akan tau bahwa ia mencuri uang untuk menyembuhkannya dari kutukan (maksudnya kekuatan yang dia dapet, sandman sebenarnya orang baik kok, yang udah baca komik ato nonton kartunnnya pasti tau).
5.Berikutnya kita diajak melihat kedatangan symbiote ke bumi sebagai meteorite yang jatuh di Central Park. Sementara itu kita melihat ke adegan Harry, yang mabuk-mabukan dan alkoholik dalam ruang kerja ayahnya. Harry terus2an mendengar suara ayahnya di dalam kepala, dia berusaha melawan tetapi terlalau kuat, Harry kemudian menuju tempat ruang rahasia milik ayahnya, hanya untuk melihat bayangan ayahnya di kaca yang pecah. Kemudian Norman berkata kepada Harry untuk membalas dendam. Sebuah pumpkin bom meledak dekat wajah Harry membangunkannya dan ternyata itu hanyalah mimpi(kalo kita liat di trailernya yang melemparkan bom adalah Peter, dan kita tidak tau itu adegan mimpi ato kenyataan, tapi di script ini tidak dijelaskan siapa yang melempar). Harry kemudian terjatuh dari meja dengan botol wisky kosong di tangan.
6.Kita diperkenalkan lagi kepada Mr. Ditkovich (itu loh bapak kosnya Peter)dan Ursula (anak Bapak kos, gambarnya udah Just post) pada saat Peter ke apartemennya. Peter dan MJ kencan pada malam itu, dan pada saat itu kita bakalan tau dari percakapan mereka, MJ sedang bermasalah dengan ayahnya, karir aktingnya (tidak bisa merambah dunia pelem) dan MJ Kelihatannya sedikit cemburu atas ketenaran Peter Parker sebagai Spiderman. Peter kemudian menceritakan tentang bagaimana ia mengaku bahwa dirinya Spiderman dan semua yang telah mereka lewati bersama, sebelum Peter melamar MJ, dan MJ berkata iya.
7.Selanjutnya, Peter pulang ke apartemennya dan dalam perjalanan (dan entah bagaimana di script tidak dijelaskan) Symbiote dari meteor nempel di sepatunya Peter. Peter kembali ke apartemen dan tidur, sedangkan symbiote mulai menunjukkan pergerakan di bawah tempat tidur Peter dan menunggu (belum beraksi loh).
8.Pada hari berikutnya di kelas dr. Connor, akhirnya Gwen dan Peter bertemu. Peter menjadi tutor untuk Gwen (entah bagaimana caranya terserah yang buat script deh), sementara itu Brock menjadi cemburu, dari adegan ini kita tahu bahwa Brock adalah mantan Gwen.
9.Pada saat Spider-Man Appreciation Day event, Peter bertemu MJ, Peter ngajak MJ ngobrol untuk memastikan MJ tidak bosan dengan acara tersebut. Selanjutnya Peter secepat kilat berubah menjadi spidy, dan muncul di depan halayak ramai. Gwen yang telah diselamatkan oleh Spidy memberikan kunci kota kepada Spidy. Gwen juga mencuri hak paten up-side down kiss milik MJ dan itu membuat Eddy Brock marah berat, sedangkan MJ terlalu takut untuk melakukannya di halayak ramai.
10.Kemudian acara tersebut diganggu oleh kehadiran Sandman yang membajak armoured car. Sandman mengendarakan mobiln tersebut menuju ke arah Spidy. Spidy berusaha untuk menyelamatkan semua pengunjung, Spiderman terkena pukulan pada saat itu dan Sandman pun berhasil kabur. Brock yang pada saat itu di lokasi kejadian, dengan leluasa mengambil gambar. Kita melihat banyak ketegangan antara gwen dan brock, dan pada saat gwen memutuskan untuk tidak mau melihat eddy lagy, brock langsung menyalahkan spiderman.
11.Peter terlalu capek, menaiki tangga menuju kamarnya dengan gontay nggak sadar kalo dirinya masih berpakaian spider-man. Dan ia juga nggak sadar kalo dintip oleh bapak kos ditkovich. Peter membuka topengnya dan langsung tidur tanpa mengganti baju terlebih dahulu. Pada saat peter tertidur symbiote mulai beraksi (seperti yang kita lihat pada first teaser). Kemudian, layar semuanya menjadi hitam. Selanjutnya peter bangun, dan mengetahui dirinya tergantung di atas kota. Spidy melihat bayangannya di kaca gedung seperti yang kita lihat di teaser yang pertama (sebenarnya yang di pelemnya nanti bayangannya juga berwarna hitam bukan merah seperti yang di teaser). Kemudian peter berusaha mempelajari cara mengendalikan costumnya yang baru.
12.Pagi harinya di Dayli Bugle, JJ menjadi gila dengan adanya gambar Manusia Pasir dan Spidy yang terkalahkan, dalam moment kocak, Hoffman dan JJ memberi nama Sandman. JJ memuji photo2 hasil Eddy Brock. Ditempat lain Peter bangun dari tidurnya dan menyadari dirinya kesiangan dan akan telat masuk kerja. Peter tergesa-gesa keluar pintu, dan ternyata Pak Ditckovich menunggunya diluar, menanyakan tentang spiderman dan peter menjawab bahwa spiderman biasanya satiap selasa malam datang untuk bermain poker (wakakakakakakakaka just sempet 10 menit ketawa di bagian ini).
Slowly, we start to see the symbiote taking its toll on Peter. He explodes on Dr. Conners in class, and on Aunt May. Meanwhile, we see MJ's father hitting her up for money. Peter gets into a confrontation with him and ends up laying him out. MJ and Peter get into a fight over it. Peter also learns that the symbiote can transform into an article of clothing, in particular a leather jacket and the mask portion of the symbiote actually becomes Peter's hair, turning jet black. His eyes even change. He starts to gain a pale complexion. Peter goes out on a date with Gwen Stacy, and has seemingly become more aggressive even in the courting of women.
Next, we see Peter in the Symbiote suit beating common criminals senseless. It is truly controlling him and turning him evil. All the sudden, a man robs a small store and takes off running as Spidey is on his tail. He chases him into an alley. As Spidey grabs him, he begins having hallucinations of Uncle Ben being killed. Suddenly, the man is his arms becomes the man who shot Uncle Ben. Next, he sees visions of Sandman killing Uncle Ben. All effects of the symbiote. Peter loses control of the suit, growing in size and strength, as his teeth become sharp and long, and a giant tongue comes out of his mouth. He heaves the criminal through the air and starts screaming to get the suit off of him. Peter takes off, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. He lands on power cables and is nearly fried. Peter lands in a graveyard as he crawls through and comes to the grave of Uncle Ben. It is raining heavily as Peter clings to the headstone.
Next, we see Eddie Brock and Gwen. Eddie tries to apologize to Gwen. He tries to force himself on her as she runs out. Brock sees Symbiote Spidey on TV being covered by the news.
Meanwhile, Harry wants to meet MJ. They meet in central park as Harry stalks MJ first. They finally come face-to-face and talk about Peter. This time, its Harry who tries to force himself on MJ as she runs out.
Peter has a nightmare where the symbiote eats him alive. He awakes in a cold sweat, and swings to Dr. Conners lab. Conners takes a sample of the Symbiote and starts to study it. We also see clues of him working on the lizard DNA project to replace his arm. Next, we see Peter and MJ going over wedding details with Aunt May. They come to the conclusion that they simply don't have enough money to give MJ the wedding she wanted (at the top of a green hill like what was said in SM2).
Because of this, Symbiote Spidey robs a bank as Brock is there to get photo's of it. Brock is clearly pulling ahead in JJJ's eyes as Peter rages on JJ and Robbie Robertson. There is another Sandman bank robbery, as the Symbiote suit covers Peter. Spider-Man and Sandman battle, as Sandman makes a krack about he was the first one to get to the bank therefore the money is his! The fight goes down into the subway. The symbiote tells Peter that it was Sandman who murdered Uncle Ben. Sandman is doused with a giant wave of water as Spidey gets away. Sandman reforms at his grungey home.
Meanwhile, there is tension between Gwen Stacey and her father, who is heading a task force to take down Spider-Man. In one scene, Symbiote Spidey actually fights the police. Spidey is shot several times but learns that bullets do not affect the symbiote suit. In the midst of it, Captain Stacey is killed by falling debris. Taking somewhat responsibility for it, Aunt May allows Gwen to stay at her apartment. Gwen gets even closer to Peter, but now hates Spider-Man.
Meanwhile, MJ gives Peter his ring back and tells him she cannot marrie him. With that, MJ gets on a train and leaves New York. We see Peter drop the ring into an incinerator. Next, we see that Dr. Conners has enlisted the help of his good friend, and African-American doctor named Ben Riley, who has tested the symbiote sample and has concluded that its weaknesses are loud sound and heat. Peter, being tortured by the symbiote swings to a cathedral. Meanwhile, Brock follows him. As Peter swings into the belltower, he starts to ring the bell as the symbiote is weakened. He rips it off just as Eddie enters and sees that its Peter. Meanwhile, the symbiote lands on Brock and begins to bond with him. Peter swings off and inside the cathedral, Brock is taken over by the symbiote and he becomes a steaming husk, just as the task force to take down Spider-Man arrives. They enter the cathedral as the husk explodes and VENOM emerges. Venom single-handedly takes out the task force.
HArry still struggles with the voice of his father inside his head. Meanwhile, back at his apartment, and looking at a photo of himself and MJ, Peter realizes that he truly loves her. He meets Gwen at a coffee shop to tell her that he loves MJ when Venom hits the scene. VEnom takes Gwen to the top of a skyscraper. Peter, unable to change into Spider-Man, faces Venom at the top of a skyscraper as the rain pours down, only wearing a hood over his head to protect his identity from Gwen. As Peter and Venom battle, his hood is thrown off as Gwen sees that its Peter. In that split second, Gwen is dropped as Peter has no choice but to try and save her, however her neck is snapped and she dies. She dies in Peter's arms just as police arrive and Venom gets away.
Meanwhile, the symbiote takes complete control of Brock telling him that he needs to kill Spider-Man and Parker. Next, we see Peter at Uncle Ben's gravestone again. Finally, Spider-Man is back in full-swing. Sandman is pulling off his biggest heist yet as Spidey hits the scene. The two battle as it goes to a construction site. Venom hits the scene. Soon, Sandman begins to absorb sand around him as he starts to grow huge. He creates giant sand pits as Spidey jumps over them, with Venom leaping after him, and Sandman slamming down his giant malice and sledgehammer. Soon, Venom has beaten Spider-Man. Sandman attempts to finish him off but Venom takes a bite out of Sandman, killing him, saying that HE is the one who will take out Spider-Man. Just as Venom is about to kill Spider-Man, Harry/Goblin hits the scene. Harry and Spider-Man fight against Venom. Just as Venom is about to deliver the death blow once again to SPider-Man with one of his tentacles, Harry dives in the way and takes the hit. Ben Riley and his team arrive with a supersonic sound device and defeat Venom, as they contain the symbiote. Meanwhile, Harry dies in Peter's arms and tells him that he's his best friend.
The closing scenes show Peter at Harry's funeral. He walks off as roses are dropped on Harry's casket. Pan up to see Norman Osborn, smiling. Next, we see the symbiote being locked up in Ben Riley's lab and labeled as 'VENOM'. The last scene we find Peter and Aunt May ontop of the Empire State Building, she reveals that she's always known that he was Spider-Man. Sirens are heard in the distance as Spider-Man dives off the building and quick-changes into Spidey, swinging off as the credits roll.
pada suka ga ney?? | |
| | | nueno_meisuke Newbie
Jumlah posting : 10 Age : 35 Status in Family : good boy.. :p PaNgGiLaN SaYaNk : it's a secret.. :p FaVoRiT WoRd : better than yesterday Registration date : 29.04.07
| Subyek: Fantastic Four: Rise of The Silver Surfer Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:20 am | |
| Fantastic Four: Rise of The Silver SurferRelease Date: June 15, 2007 Studio: 20th Century Fox Director: Tim Story Screenwriter: Mark Frost Starring: Michael Chiklis, Ioan Gruffudd, Chris Evans, Jessica Alba, Julian McMahon, Andre Braugher Genre: Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi Plot Summary: Marvel's first family of superheroes, The Fantastic Four, meets their greatest challenge yet in "Fantastic Four and The Silver Surfer" as the enigmatic, intergalactic herald, The Silver Surfer, comes to Earth to prepare it for destruction. As the Silver Surfer races around the globe wreaking havoc, Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben must unravel the mystery of The Silver Surfer and confront the surprising return of their mortal enemy, Dr. Doom, before all hope is lost. | |
| | | PrincessLiz WeB MasTer
Jumlah posting : 251 Age : 35 Status in Family : AnaQ Mami Dephy, Cucu Neneq BusuQ PaNgGiLaN SaYaNk : Lo-Lo FaVoRiT WoRd : Ya uda lah yaaa Registration date : 29.03.07
| Subyek: Re: MoviE ReVieW Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:39 pm | |
| gw bahkan gak nonton Fantastic four yg pertamaaaaaa | |
| | | nueno_meisuke Newbie
Jumlah posting : 10 Age : 35 Status in Family : good boy.. :p PaNgGiLaN SaYaNk : it's a secret.. :p FaVoRiT WoRd : better than yesterday Registration date : 29.04.07
| | | | Admin Administrator
Jumlah posting : 89 Age : 35 Status in Family : Lum Berkeluarga ^_^ PaNgGiLaN SaYaNk : Min... FaVoRiT WoRd : UpDaTe Registration date : 29.03.07
| Subyek: MoviE ReVieW Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:11 pm | |
| Langsung aja masukin review pilem2 bioskop yg lo anggep layak tonton ya.... | |
| | | PrincessLiz WeB MasTer
Jumlah posting : 251 Age : 35 Status in Family : AnaQ Mami Dephy, Cucu Neneq BusuQ PaNgGiLaN SaYaNk : Lo-Lo FaVoRiT WoRd : Ya uda lah yaaa Registration date : 29.03.07
| Subyek: Re: MoviE ReVieW Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:33 pm | |
| THE REAPING RATINGS Direction: D Writing: D Performances: D+ Visual Appeal : C Overall: D+ THE REAPING VITALS Release Date: April 5, 2007 Studio : Warner Bros. Cast: Hilary Swank, David Morrissey, Idris Elba, AnnaSophia Robb, Stephen Rea Director: Stephen Hopkins Genre: Horror/Mystery MPAA Rating: R Comment dr Gw : Gw seneng bgt ne crita yg kyk gn.. ^_^ terutama anaq kecilnya pas ditengah2 belalang terbang.. kerennnn WebSiTe nya KereN bgt!!!! http://thereapingmovie.warnerbros.com/ | |
| | | Admin Administrator
Jumlah posting : 89 Age : 35 Status in Family : Lum Berkeluarga ^_^ PaNgGiLaN SaYaNk : Min... FaVoRiT WoRd : UpDaTe Registration date : 29.03.07
| Subyek: Re: MoviE ReVieW Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:42 pm | |
| EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH Zack Bradley (Dane Cook) dan Vince Downey (Dax Shepard), persaingan dua karyawan Super Club yang masing-masing telah bekerja selama sepuluh tahun. Vince -- dengan kepercayaan Jorge (Efren Ramirez) menjabat kepala kasir dan mendapatkan 17 kali penghargaan "Pegawai Bulan Ini". Zack, dengan penampilan urakan dan cuek tapi populer di koleganya, namun membuatnya tetap menjadi bawahan. Sejak lama, mereka bersaing mendapatkan perhatian Amy (Jessica Simpson) -- kasir baru yang cantik dengan reputasi hanya berkencan dengan pemenang "Pegawai Bulan Ini" Dengan gaya flamboyannya dibelakang kasir, dengan segera membuat Amy dan banyak pelanggan terkesan padanya. Usaha Zack untuk menarik perhatian rekan kerja baru yang cantik tersebut adalah dengan melawan Vince. Harapan Zack untuk itu sangat jauh, maka satu-satunya kesempatan adalah memenangkan penghargaan "Pegawai Bulan Ini" Jenis Film COMEDY DEWASA (ADULT) Pemain DAN ECOOK, JESSICA SIMPSON, DAX SHEPARD, EFREN RAMIREZ, HARLAND WILLIAMS Sutradara GREG COOLIDGE Penulis GREG COOLIDGE Poduser PETER ABRAMS, BARRY KATZ, ROBERT L. LEVY Produksi MARPLE PICTURES Homepage http://www.employeeofthemonthfilm.com/Trailer http://www.employeeofthemonthfilm.com/Durasi 103 min | |
| | | Admin Administrator
Jumlah posting : 89 Age : 35 Status in Family : Lum Berkeluarga ^_^ PaNgGiLaN SaYaNk : Min... FaVoRiT WoRd : UpDaTe Registration date : 29.03.07
| Subyek: Re: MoviE ReVieW Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:49 pm | |
| HANNIBAL RISING Perjalanan hidup Hannibal Lecter sebagai anak dan pemuda memberikan sumbangan luar biasa kepada bidang pengobatan, musik, melukis dan forensik. Dimulai saat Perang Dunia II disebuah kastil di Lituania yang dibangun oleh Dr. Lecter, Hannibal the Grim. Hannibal semasa kecil selamat dari dalam tragedi Front Timur dan menuju Uni Soviet untuk menemukan tempat perlindungan di Perancis bersama janda pamannya,wanita Jepang misterius dan cantik keturunan Lady Murasaki Shikibu, pengarang buku Tale of Genji. Kebaikan dan bijaksananya menolongnya meringankan penderitaan dan ingatannya akan perang yang tak dapat ia pikul Ia lantas menemui predator buron yang telah mengubah dirinya selamanya COMMENT : - Quote :
- pilem cuma 113 menit.. tapi berasa kyk 3 jem.. lama... ngantuq... tapi gak bisa dipercaya.. pilem ni bikin NapO nangis gr2 takut???? haha
-PRinCeSs LizZ-
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| | | DeWe Emperor
Jumlah posting : 767 Age : 36 Status in Family : anak ketiga dari tiga bersaudara PaNgGiLaN SaYaNk : win FaVoRiT WoRd : apa aja dhe Registration date : 15.11.07
| Subyek: Re: MoviE ReVieW Sun Dec 16, 2007 11:02 am | |
| Ms.Potter - bahus, ceritanya simple, tapi bagus 30 days of nite - bosen, kaya film vampir banyakn, gk jelas skinwalker - 1 lg fim sampah yg mending jgn dtonton I am legeng - bagus, gak kaya film zombie kbanyakan, lbih ada crita Heart Break Kid - drama comedy, tp ok lar,,psen moralny ada one nite with king - bagus, tp bosen the kingdom - bagus kokkk!! hitman - keren larr,,cuma critanya alurnya "kasar" jd gk gt bgus butterfly - nyet!!film tae!ada lesbi, biseks, ama poligami,,hwhw,,mkin dodol aja film indo!!
recomendation theater : 1. PS >>tempatnya enak, gk tw napa, enak aja,,hohoho 2. EX >>>harga agak2 mahal!! 3. SC >>tempatnya enak, gk tw napa, enak aja,,hohoho 4. GADING>>udah pewe ntn di gading!! 5. Sumarecon MALL>>bagus,dan murah, tapi adanya di serpong!!wkwwkw 6. TA>>ini agak trpaksa,krna blkangan jd sering, lama2 jd terbiasa,,hoho.. 7. GM>>murah,,buat yg mo hemat tp up 2 date!! | |
| | | Reno Wijaya Moderator
Jumlah posting : 413 Age : 36 Status in Family : anak PaNgGiLaN SaYaNk : nono FaVoRiT WoRd : happiness Registration date : 17.10.07
| Subyek: Re: MoviE ReVieW Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:00 am | |
| ms. potter - film lama 30 days of nite - ga niat nonton, cowvernya aj kaya gt skin walker - ga ntn, pasti jelek soalnya i'm legend - bagus, gw suka sci-fi gt.. heart break kid - hmm, mayan lucu sih, tp sayang ad bibit perselingkuhan.. the kingdom - film yg ga realistic, orang amerikanya ga ad yg mati 1 pun.. hitman - alur ceritanya geje, bagus awal2 duang. quickie express - kocak, terobosan baru indo, critanya ga standar the warlords - alur critanya dibuat terlalu artistik, gw lbih suka battle of wits.
kalo buat ntn, sukanya di lapiaza
blitz oke lha
premier sabtu minggu jg oke..
hoahoahaoa | |
| | | PrincessLiz WeB MasTer
Jumlah posting : 251 Age : 35 Status in Family : AnaQ Mami Dephy, Cucu Neneq BusuQ PaNgGiLaN SaYaNk : Lo-Lo FaVoRiT WoRd : Ya uda lah yaaa Registration date : 29.03.07
| Subyek: Re: MoviE ReVieW Tue Dec 18, 2007 3:31 pm | |
| ms. potter - pilm jebot.. uda ntn.. n uda rada lupa... 30 days of nite - lum ntn.. tp kyknya pd blg jelek jd ga ntn ah skin walker - menyesal menonton i'm legend - Bagus! ga nyesel lah heart break kid - Lucu.. not bad the kingdom - Lum ntn hitman - Cowonya jelek.. tp cool juga gayanya quickie express - Lum ntn nie.. hiks hiks the warlords - Bete.. pada mati semua... | |
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